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Trinidad and Tobago Chemical Society 

Financial Integrity Policy 

The Financial Integrity (FI) policy of the Trinidad and Tobago Chemical Society (TTCS) governs the behaviour and conduct of all members dealing with financial instruments in their professional capacity. Examples of such professional positions include, but not limited to: 

(a) The Treasurer  

(b) The Chief Financial Officer 

(c) Sales representatives 

d) Accountant 

Members shall: 

(i) Ensure that they faithfully and fairly provide goods and services for payment already rendered, or to be rendered, as previously agreed. 

(ii) Ensure that they accurately record receipt and expenditure of all financial instruments that they are responsible for in their professional capacity. 

(iii) Ensure that they do not use information gained in a professional capacity to benefit their or a third party's personal finances (Insider Trading) 

iv) Ensure that they do not engage into negotiations on behalf of the TTCS or make representations to pay, acquire or borrow monies or goods on behalf o the TCCS with approval from the organisation executive or authorised representative 

A member who inadvertently breaches this policy must immediately advise the Executive of the TTCS. A member who deliberately breaches this policy may be subject to a suspension of their membership, or other consequences. 

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